Rhiannon’s Story
A former student shares the impact of her time with Campus Life Military
“Campus Life will always be special to me because it’s where I met Jesus. Each week I heard about the Bible, and ate with friends, it was my favorite part of the week and a safe place. My favorite memory was at Winter Blitz a winter sports trip. I remember the joy during worship being almost overwhelming. But clearest was the night I heard about the crucifixion, and for the first time understood the significance.
We were given letters to read and I watched as others read theirs and openly weep. The letter was designed to be Jesus speaking to us. It said He loved everything about us, even the things we didn’t like and nothing we could do would make Him love us more or less. I read it and re-read it, I didn’t believe it and every ounce of me wanted it to be true.
I desperately wanted this relationship but had no idea how to access it. I knew I wanted Jesus and started looking for answers everywhere, I joined a Bible study and sat quietly listening, overanalyzing everything, looking for a catch. But there isn’t one. I was too nervous to ask my questions and on cue I started being given books to read and blog recommendations all perfect for what I needed. The people I met in Campus Life are lifetime friends who support and encourage me in my faith like they did seven years ago when I was first encountering Jesus. I was baptized surrounded by these same people and they have never stopped showing me His love.
Now, in church I joined our worship team and built our children’s ministry creating a curriculum and ministering with our kids. I am the better version of myself Jesus promised, and He is still helping me grow. The confidence I’ve developed is radically different, now I even dance with our kids at the front of church because they love it. I love the value of church as a hospital, come as you are, and we will show you the love of Jesus. It’s a value I learned in Campus Life, I was shown the love of Jesus before I knew Him. It is a value I still treasure.”
Article written by Rhiannon Gruenwald, Former Campus Life Military Student