Deonte* pulled Campus Life leader, Calvin* aside after Club. A part of the community’s skateboard gang, Deonte was quiet, reserved and basically absent unless his close friends were around. After nearly two years of coming to Club, this shy middle schooler was finally voicing some thoughts. “I need to know what acknowledging my sin means.”
I need to know what acknowledging my sin means.
Calvin was simultaneously floored and excited. Gathering his wits, the two began a good conversation.
Riding around on his skateboard, Deonte probably often found himself on the edge of something. But now he’s on the edge of life change.
Authentic Christ-sharing relationships are happening all across the movement of Youth For Christ Military. Please pray for Deonte, Calvin, and the many other students and leaders engaged in life-changing conversations. We have camps, trips, and retreats coming up in February (Lakenheath/Mildenhall), March (Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam), and May.
In May 2023, Youth For Christ Military will host our first ever military-specific, area wide camp. If you are interested in bringing a group to this camp at Eagle Sky of the Ozarks Christian Camps, email Maddie at
*Names have been changed to preserve anonymity
Do you want to help kids enter spaces of belonging, acceptance and love? Imagine the impact your strategic gift could make. Join us in our $31 K by 31 March Campaign to raise $31,000 by March 31st, 2023 for YFC Military camps, retreats and trips! GIVE HERE.

2 Minutes
Kingdom Inspired Diversity
Displaying the fabric of God's kingdom

3 minutes
The Bicycle Gang
Like a scene out of an 80's movie, bicycles carrying middle schoolers appear on the horizon.

4 minutes
Facing the Big Ugly
We all want to belong. This is Bryce’s story.

4 minutes
It Take a Village…
How collaborative community strategy benefits everyone!

2 Minutes
Kingdom Inspired Diversity
Displaying the fabric of God's kingdom

3 minutes
The Bicycle Gang
Like a scene out of an 80's movie, bicycles carrying middle schoolers appear on the horizon.

4 minutes
Facing the Big Ugly
We all want to belong. This is Bryce’s story.

4 minutes
It Take a Village…
How collaborative community strategy benefits everyone!