He had the dates locked in. It would happen, finally. Archery tag. Homerun derbies. Campfires and invitations to be baptized in the ocean. After pandemic restrictions canceled camp multiple years in a row, JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) Ministry Site Director, Chase McAllister, would finally see his dream fulfilled. Or would he? When Chase excitedly announced the dates, most of his volunteer leaders could not attend! What would he do?
When obstacles arise, many of us give up and head home. Not Chase. Thankfully, God helped Chase do two of the things he does best – collaborate and think outside of the box.
First, Chase invited a reserve chaplain friend to bring his youth group. This would broaden the connection of youth on the island, and the chaplain would contribute leaders from his team.
Then Chase reached out to worship leaders from the base chapel services. Would they lead worship for a student camp? He invited them to share the large camp facility and have their own worship leaders’ retreat. He even pulled in a special connection to bless them. Chase invited his professor from Pacific Rim Christian University, Tiffa Garza, to come teach at the worship retreat. As Chase tried to solve his own needs for leadership, he began to ask, ““How do I add value to [this group]?”
His concern for collaborative partners extended further still. Chase’s mentor, Dave, a missionary with the Navigators, serves a group of single Airmen on JBPHH. What if he could give them a space to have their own retreat as well? Now Airmen will provide set up and tear down for student activities throughout the week, while enjoying their own bonding time.
What looked like a wall turned into a door of opportunity thanks to Chase’s willingness to engage in collaborative community strategy. It looks like campfires are on the horizon.
As a chapter, Youth For Christ Military partners with local chaplains, churches, schools and other like-minded organizations to reach military-connected youth through unconditional, authentic Christ-sharing relationships. We also help other YFC chapters do the same at military installations close to them.
If you would like to explore the possibility of collaboration with YFC Military, send us a message. You can also learn more about YFC Military HERE.

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Military Families
Michele is an Active-Duty Airman spouse and the mother of six.

Family Crisis: A Parent’s Perspective
YFC Military plays a crucial role in supporting the family unit.

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