Because of partners like you, 40 military-connected youth chose to follow Jesus this year!
When a young person first arrives at their new duty station, they usually have zero connections. Many have no community, nor a relationship with the ever-constant God. This was Bentley’s experience.
Then Bentley’s friend, Caedmon, invited him to Campus Life Military – repeatedly. He was resistant at first, but in the weeks following his first experience at club, Bentley began attending church with Caedmon’s family. Shortly thereafter, Bentley convinced his mom and siblings to start attending!
Through club, church, and conversations with his CL Military leader, Sam, Bentley’s interest in God continued to grow. Shortly before YFC Military Camp this year, he messaged Sam. He had ordered himself a study Bible.
Then, during camp, this young man’s heart fully opened to God. After conversations with multiple leaders, Bentley made the decision to trust and follow Jesus!
No longer was Bentley alone.
Now he had Christian community.
Now he had Jesus!
Following camp, he quickly pursued baptism. Listen to his experience in his own words:
“…Through Dale’s preaching and the Holy Spirit making me aware of my sin, I got saved at Camp! On May 30th at around 9 PM, I surrendered myself to Christ, accepting I cannot carry my burdens alone, realizing I need a Savior.
…when [Pastor Chris] started praying, and when I started repeating what he was saying, confessing I needed a Lord and Savior, I felt the Holy Spirit enter my heart, and that’s when I started crying happy tears. That’s when I knew that hole of emptiness in my heart was filled, filled with God’s everlasting love for me.…
The youth group here on post [Campus Life Military], my local church, and going to YFC Military Camp has changed my life. …I am so grateful to be a part of a community that wants to see me walk with Jesus faithfully. Having close friends and a youth group that encourages me to read the Bible and be involved in a local church has really helped in my walk with Jesus.”
Friend, because of you, 40 young people found community and made first time professions of faith this year! Bentley was among those 40. You changed Bentley’s life for eternity!
Thank you for investing in military-connected youth. Thank you for making sure they are SEEN, known, and loved for Christ!
If you feel moved to invest in the lives of military-connected youth, join this mission by starting a monthly gift today. Your gift will give another young person like Bentley the opportunity to start a relationship with Jesus! GIVE TODAY!
Article by SaraBeth Wadsworth, Community Engagement Coordinator, with acknowledgements to Samantha Odle, Maddie Spencer, and Brian Hershey, whose retelling of this amazing story informed this article.

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