An Unexpected Ministry

September 26, 2024


“If you had told me that I was going to work with middle schoolers, I would have laughed at you.”

Despite being a military spouse and mother to two teenagers, Amy Kersey never imagined that she would be working with military-connected youth. Prior to coming on staff with Youth For Christ (YFC) Military, Amy had never worked with young people.

Listen in as she shares her experience of serving other people’s teenagers while holding down the fort as a military spouse.

Over the years, quite a few military spouses and servicemembers have joined YFC Military staff. Sitting down with Amy, we wanted to know about her experience.

SaraBeth: “So serving these young people as a naturally embedded part of the military community gives you an automatic connection to them… but what about the challenges of military life? What has been difficult for you as you have simultaneously navigated life as a military spouse and as an employee of Youth For Christ Military?”

Amy: “I think one of the most notable parts as a military spouse is just how different – even state to state – culture can be…You can end up getting into a new environment and kinda go into this assessment of… having to prove yourself again and kinda press that reset. I would say that’s the biggest challenge.”

But prove herself, she has! God has worked powerfully through Amy’s willingness to be stretched.

In the 2023 – 2024 ministry year, Amy and her volunteer team at Omaha Campus Life Military engaged 142 young people in authentic, Christ-sharing relationships. They also provided 287 relationship-building activities. As a result, military-connected youth in the area are increasingly seen, known and loved in Jesus’ name. Two young people even chose to follow Christ this past summer.

Though God is clearly moving through Omaha Campus Life Military, Amy finds her work with these young people amusing.

Amy: “If you had told me that I was going to work with middle schoolers, I would have laughed at you.”

SaraBeth: “They’re strange creatures!”

Amy: “And kind of stinky sometimes. [She laughs] I never would have seen that coming, but the reality is, the students now are 100% the reason why I stay. I love them.”

We asked Amy what she would say to someone considering ministry to military-connected youth in their own community.

Amy: “I would say, I love the Lord, and I love His word. And I didn’t necessarily come into it (serving with YFC Military) knowing that I loved kids. And so, I would say, be brave. Get into the muddy water of what kids are in and what they’re dealing with because even if you’re not sure that you’re naturally called or gifted in that way, 1) Do you love Jesus? 2) Do you love people? I mean, those are pretty much our basic commands, right? …So, for me, it was really more the call of ‘Am I heading to Jesus? What is He asking me to do?’”

Great question, Amy. Great question.

If you sense God calling you to ministry with military-connected youth, go to You might be surprised how God would stretch and empower you – for His glory, for your good, and for the salvation of military-connected youth!